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Mail Dispatch Details Add-on
This add-on helps user to mail dispatch details of sales invoice directly from Tally along with its Invoice copy.
Benefits of Mail Dispatch Details Add-on
1. This add-on helps in reconciliation of L.R. number for each Sales Invoice.
2. As each and every sales bill L.R. number is mailed to customer it creates a good impression of company in front of customer.
3. There is no need leave Tally and use anything else to mail Dispatch details, It can be done from Tally itself.
Benefits of Mail Dispatch Details Add-on
1. This add-on helps in reconciliation of L.R. number for each Sales Invoice.
2. As each and every sales bill L.R. number is mailed to customer it creates a good impression of company in front of customer.
3. There is no need leave Tally and use anything else to mail Dispatch details, It can be done from Tally itself.