Auto Raw Material Consumption MFG-JV Add-On

Auto Raw Material Consumption MFG-JV Add-On
Auto Raw Material Consumption MFG-JV Add-On
Auto Raw Material Consumption MFG-JV Add-On
Auto Raw Material Consumption MFG-JV Add-On
Auto Raw Material Consumption MFG-JV Add-On
Auto Raw Material Consumption MFG-JV Add-On
This Add-on facilitates user to automatically pass raw materials consumption entry with sales entry. As soon as user passes sales entry a manufacturing entry is passed automatically for Finished Goods.

Benefits of Auto Raw Material Consumption JV

  1. This add-on automatically passes raw material consumption entry of Finished Goods sold ensuring stock quantity of raw material is always updated.
  2. User does not have to pass consumption entry of each sales entry thus it saves time and increases productivity.
  3. Separate MFG-JV is passed for each Finished Goods.
  4. Columns are provided in MFG-JV register to track customer name, Invoice no. & Invoice date.
Auto Raw Material Consumption MFG-JV Add-On